

Monday, 2 January 2012

Segmen YY | Mengapa saya Berblogging


Today, Kak Yana told me that she wants me to join her segment : Segmen YY | Mengapa saya Berblogging . So, yeah, why not? Kebetulan, aku pon takda kerja harini, yay, article dah hantar. So, nak join jugak pon boleh, just click the banner. 

So, kenapa eh ber-blogging? I started back in 2008, time tu aku baru habis spm, tunggu result, and tengah kerja. So, it was like 4 years ago, so my memory is not that sharp to recall every single details., 

Tahlah, the only thing I remember is that, I was bored while working as an Adventure crew that I borrowed my friend's laptop and registered. Actually kalau korang rajin, boleh selak my previous postings, I thrashed out my anger towards the Americans who invaded Iraq that time. 

Frustrated much, yeah, but mostly annoyed by the ruthless invasion. So, aku rasa, the best reason why I started my blog was that aku nak suara aku didengari.

I want the world to know how painful it was to witness all the sufferings by those people in Iraq. Ater 4 years, still, nothing much change in Iraq. Keadaan still sama, the war is still on. 

Fast forward 4 years, here I am, writing for pleasure, still trying to get my voice out but most importantly now is that blogging is a new way to make great friends. Nak kata niat ber-blogging tu dah berubah 100% tak lah but in term of how and why I write probably ada perubahan. 

So, what was it that I crap just now? Oh yeah, that's basically the story behind how I started thebigsmallboy. So, what was the reason that made you guys start a blog? C'mon, meh share, aku pon nak tau. Mana tau, nanti aku boleh tulis script based on cerita korang. ;)

6 rambles:


Yeaaaah, tq rayyan sebab sudi join. Teruja bila kita dapat ingat balik kenapa kita berblog dulu kan,.. kerana blog jugak kita bertemu,.. Happy Blogging. :))


betul2..haha...rasa kelakar pon ada...


well, actually me neither. saya pun tertanya2 kenapa sy berblogging. pdhl sy jenis x suka or malas baca blog org. Blog fatinkpoplover nie baru saya create 2 minggu lps tp da byk post..hahhaha..pdhl bukannya xde komitmen lain. ada jerr..byk!! TESIS salah satunya..hohoho..betullah. blogging nie seronok. leh ilangkan stress..^^ chill it out!


Fatin: ni untuk hilangkan stress, betul tak? :)


wahhh ini penulis ke?

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A'ishah: hik2...segan lah rayyan...nak apa2 tanya jer lah yer. salam kenal juga!

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